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Results 21 - 40 of 131
21. Ellika Sjöstrand
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Domestic The perspective of the video is the one of the outsiders, the feeling of not belonging or not being able to participate in the events outside the immediate private sph

22. Ellika Sjöstrand info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
Ellika Sjöstrand works with New Media and video, both as installations and as experimental short movies. MA in fine arts at the University in Helsinki 2002. Lives and works in Stock

23. Christer Engström
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Samförståndspartiet Back in 1995 Olof Olsson and I launched Samförståndspartiet. We wanted to investigate the important Swedish 20th century concept of consensus  (samf

24. Björn Hellström info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
I grunden fotograf, under senare år glidit över mer  åt videohållet. Arbetat med animeringar, vinjetter, dokumentärer, poesivideos mm. Under tre år ena halvan av CMYK TV.

25. Björn Hellström
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Cambodian Rocks Bokor Hill Mountain & Angkor Wat temple complex. En punktinsats i ett formstarkt Kambodia. Search words: Former, Bokor Hill, fotografi, Kambodia,  rocks, shapes, mushroom, p

26. Amalia Årfelt
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Search words: colours, oil colour, bright colours, animals, duvor, cat, pig, concrete, birds, owls, bull, polyester, rat About Amalia Årfelt Download Screen version 1 Mb Print versio

27. Amalia Årfelt
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
Amalia Årfelt född 1969 i Stockholm Utbildningar: Kungliga Konsthögskolan i Stockholm 1990-95 Birkagårdens folkhögskola konstlinjen 1988-90 Grundskolan för konstnärlig utb

28. Fredrik Gunve
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Runt Allting (Round Everything) is a trilogy about humanity, its history and future. The beginning of Year 2000 me and my brother spent recording a song, titled Runt Allting. Three year

29. Fredrik Gunve info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)

30. Charlotte Koopman
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
10 drawings These are ten drawings made in 2004/2005. They are all quitesmall, not bigger than A3-format. Search words: Charlotte Koopman, drawings, mortadella, luchtje, beans, visio

31. Virgil Dejarv
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
-morot is a strange sound for a carrot Stone Troll: A meeting and a situation with a painting on exhibition. Searchwords: Morot, impression, normality, denominator, nämnare, norma

32. Virgil Dejarv info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
Virgil Dejarv -works/lives right now in Göteborg-Sweden Working mainly with painting and video. The difference of those medias character and tempos   have interesting parallels 

33. Anna Wessman
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
destruction therapy A selection of images from newspapers I’ve read during two months in the end of 2004. The title comes from one of these newspapers, a reportage from Spain about a new form of th

34. Anna Wessman info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)

35. Bengt Jahnsson-Wennberg
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Stellan´s Story Some years ago Stellan Schedin, a visual artist living in Umeå, told me a story from when he grew up in Piteå in the northern part of Sweden. It was about a friend of him who climb

36. Bengt Jahnsson-Wennberg info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
Educated at the Academy of Fine Art, Umeå University 1988-1993. Lives and works in Stockholm since 1996. Selected soloexhibitions since 1998: Galleri Hjärnstorm Stockholm 2004, Galleri PS G&oum

37. Charlotte Walentin
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Filmdrawings, 2004 Each drawing corresponds to a movie, which I have made a drawing of while its running. The lines are often not more than a beginning or a dot, since the picture is continuously

38. Charlotte Walentin info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
I usually work with drawings, although they sometimes leave the wall as ”built” drawings. My last exhibition was at Ystad Konstmuseum in the atumn 2004, the next is at Galleri Rostrum in Malmö,

39. Joanna Thede
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
v. 21+0 - 25+3 Suddenly all the theorising and all the attempts to analyse end up in my very lap, so to speak, giving way to a tangible physical transformation and a changed state of mind. New spac

40. Joanna Thede info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
To sneak, during the big Christmas festivities of the family, to the table with the massive, newly started jigsaw and find a piece of your own to smash into a completely faulty space which yet looks

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