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Results 1 - 6 of 6
1. Christer Engström
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...I launched Samförståndspartiet. We wanted to investigate the important Swedish 20th century concept of consensus  (samförstånd). The most fundamental thought for Samförståndspart...

2. title
(Publikation(pages)/Publikation(pages) - English)
...mes the Desert is Red Space in my Livingroom Stellan´s Story Streets in Mukojima, Sumida-ku, Tokyo The consensus party The Deadly Game v. 21+0 - 25+3 Versions ’Vista I; relation’ ...

3. Welcome
(Publikation()/Publikation() - English), Unheimlich Göteborg,  H.P.Lovecraft, costume, drawings, mortadella, luchtje, beans, visions, consensus common sense, installation, drawing, man, men, agreement… You can navigate in va...

4. Search
(Static Content)
...ography colourphotographyopposite colours comics compare conceptualart concrete condition consensus consensuscommonsense Conspiracy contemporarypainting controlled space c...

5. Christer Engström
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer)
... I launched Samförståndspartiet. We wanted to investigate the important Swedish 20th century concept of consensus  (samförstånd). The most fundamental thought for Samförståndsparti...

6. Välkommen
(Publikation()/Publikation()), Unheimlich Göteborg,  H.P.Lovecraft, costume, drawings, mortadella, luchtje, beans, visions, consensus common sense, installation, drawing, man, men, agreement… En sökbar samling...

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