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1. Kirsten Forkert and Patrik Aarnivaara
(Konst & utrymme/Konst & utrymme - English)
... About Kirsten Forkert About Patrik Aarnivaara PROFESSIONALIZING THE ROMANTIC, OR, LEARNING TO BEHAVE LIKE AN ARTIST Today Stockholm's newest art fair is ...

2. book x 3
(Bok x 3/bok x 3 - English)
... format but with different appearances and content.   GGG&G by Lisa Jeannin and Rolf Schuurmans HÄR by Viktor Kopp and Niklas Söderberg • linjelagren • by Charlotte Walentin a...

3. Lisa Jeannin and Rolf Schuurmans
(Bok x 3/bok x 3 - English)
The green book GGG&G is a collaboration between Lisa Jeannin and Rolf Schuurmans, artists, living in Antwerp. GGG&G is a picture book with stills, photos and some drawings from the film G

4. Magnus Ottertun and Cecilia Sterner
(Konst & utrymme/Konst & utrymme - English)
... of the internal actions at the work place. In the publication there are more detailed presentations. Managerial post strategists could suddenly be asked by the artists after an informal presentation...

5. Unni Gjertsen
(Konst & utrymme/Konst & utrymme - English)
...up their own projects. One of the participants was Unni Gjertsen, an artist whose project was "Humaniora Shopping" in which she offered individually-tailored workshops to companies wanting ...

6. Per Mårtensson
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
... as well as on the websites of galleries and museums. Sökord: Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition, inside the white cube, installation view, space, conceptual art, contemporary p...

7. Iwo Myrin
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
...pinhole photographs of forrest and nature since the mid nineties when he lived in the north of Sweden. Many of the photographs are showing mushrooms. He has also been working with bronze castings of p...

8. Nina Toft
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
... see in order to be photographed. I regard the Edinburgh Castle as a particularly interesting study as many tourists arrive to the esplanade only to photograph themselves in front of the facade in fro...

9. Monix Sjölin
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
... lika kaniner, men där finns även fåglar och tama hundar. Ett twilight zone uppstår när man springer in på den ouppmätta stigen i skogen, där man sällan möter någon ...

10. Liselott Johansson
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
What is a man? My contribution is a selection of drawings from the installation with the title "What is a man?". The installation is made of a huge amount of drawings depicting

11. Eva Lotta Damstedt
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...;rallt hämtade från naturen och min växtpress. Katter är ett annat ständigt återkommande tema, både i mitt liv och mina bilder. Search words: katter, natur, växter, fotograf...

12. Eva Lotta Damstedt
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
...bitions 1988- Galleri xxx, sthlm, En dag 1992- Frölunda bibliotek, Göteborg, Fara, åka 1993- Maneten, göteborg, växternas sömn 1993- Rörö bibliotek, göteborgs n...

13. Fredrik Gunve
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Runt Allting (Round Everything) is a trilogy about humanity, its history and future. The beginning of Year 2000 me and my brother spent recording a song, titled Runt Allting. Three year

14. Charlotte Koopman
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...s made in 2004/2005. They are all quitesmall, not bigger than A3-format. Search words: Charlotte Koopman, drawings, mortadella, luchtje, beans, visions, sandwich, cat, fever, goodday  About C...

15. Anna Wessman
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...: images from media, destruction therapy, seagull, launderette, beat, drawing therapy About Anna Wessman Download: destruction therapy Screenpdf 1,9 Mb Printpdf 4,7 Mb  ...

16. Anna Wessman info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)

17. Margareta Svensson
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...vident that we don’t even notice when they disappear. Small shops symbolize a possibility to choose, a manifest of individual freedom. Not everyone needs to use the freedom, but it’s important that th...

18. Maria G Svensson info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
...auml;llningar själv, det vill säga att jag tar tillvara en möjlighet, en lokal, ett sammanhang eller en manifestation och utvecklar utifrån detta en idé som lämpar sig för ...

19. Fredrik Strid info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
... the underlying meanings of a past; new stories appear and fresh experiences are developed. The pieces manifest themselves in drawings, photography and sculpture....

20. Maria Sundström
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
... Her work, to fully understand what was happening during the thirties and forties roots in Nazigermany, is maybe impossible. But together with Elisabet Blomberg has Sundström the intention t...

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