Publikation ( )

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1. Kirsten Forkert and Patrik Aarnivaara
(Konst & utrymme/Konst & utrymme - English)
...ossesses this 'something' which is likely to interest them, he can attract their attention and obtain information or backing from them. But for that he must be someone that is to say, come with ele...

2. book x 3
(Bok x 3/bok x 3 - English)
...included firstly that the inserts were printed with our equipment. Secondly all three were to be the same format in page number and paper, so that they could later be sent to be bound as one book inst...

3. Susann Rönnertz and Charlotte Walentin
(Bok x 3/bok x 3 - English)
...s that is different in their approach and content but with points in common such as ink on paper and transformation. The following writers were invited to freely conduct themselves to a picture each...

4. Eva Lotta Damstedt
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
Jag arbetar med framför allt med svartvit-fotografi, ofta med större filmformat, 6x6 och 9x12 film. Försöker skala av och förenkla så mycket som möjligt.

5. Charlotte Koopman
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
... 10 drawings These are ten drawings made in 2004/2005. They are all quitesmall, not bigger than A3-format. Search words: Charlotte Koopman, drawings, mortadella, luchtje, beans, visions, sand...

6. Virgil Dejarv info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
...ons. Sometimes like a impression of an impression in the white of the eye. In video: All kinds in short format. But I never blend the two of them. They are independent and sovereign buy them self. ...

7. Charlotte Walentin
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...he pictures for pages from a larger sequence of drawings. Searchwords: 5 easy pieces, Dark water, Film, Format , In the cut, Infernal affairs , King Kong , Lost in translation,, Peeping Tom , realt...

8. Joanna Thede
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer - English)
...nd all the attempts to analyse end up in my very lap, so to speak, giving way to a tangible physical transformation and a changed state of mind. New spaces are developed within the old and well-known ...

9. Lisa Jeannin info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
 I live in Antwerpen, Belgium. If you want more information about me go to:: Images: 1. ”Into the world of monsters” 2003 drawing 250 X 170 cm. 2. ”Breaking the law”  2

10. Catrin Andersson info
(Publikation(pages) DeltagarInfo/Konstnärsinfo - English)
... have manufactured. I am also interested in how people behave/act in these spaces/environments and what information these places generates and how they are being presented. Most of my work is lensba...

11. Publikation(pages)
(Publikation(pages)/Publikation(pages) - English)
...ted subjects. Through Publikation(pages) we want to facilitate the distribution and exchange of art and information amongst artists and between the artist and the audience. The project will gradually ...

12. background Publikation(1-90…)
(Publikation(1-90...)/Publikation(1-90...) - English)
...chine. Publikation (1-90) is distributed at There you can order single copies and get information about content and the participants. Publikation(1-90) is also sold at the bookstore ...

13. Welcome
(Publikation()/Publikation() - English)
...d of three years produce and publish 91 issues of Publikation(1-90…). See Publikation(1-90…) for more information. Publikation(1-90…) displayed a lack of, but also great interest in, Publikations ...

14. Search
(Static Content)
... fiction Film filmstill Finland Fire Fittstim Flames flexible floor food Football format Former Forum Forum Art School in Malmö Forumgalleriet fotografi Fre...

15. Kirsten Forkert och Patrik Aarnivaara
(Konst & utrymme/Konst & utrymme)
...ossesses this 'something' which is likely to interest them, he can attract their attention and obtain information or backing from them. But for that he must be someone that is to say, come with ele...

16. bok x 3
(Bok x 3/bok x 3)
... ingick det att inlagorna skulle printas med vår egen utrustning. Böckerna skulle dessutom ha samma format, sidantal och papper, men olika färger på omslag, för- och eftersättsbl...

...auml;gagångssätt och innehåll, men med gemensamma beröringspunkter som tusch på papper och transformation. Följande skribenter bjöds in att fritt förhålla sig till varsin bild...

18. Rum och metod Lisbeth Grägg
(Konst & utrymme/Konst & utrymme)
...v som en kameliont - jag började jobba lite som en arkivarie, surfade på nätet och sökte information, läste böcker, försökte bilda mig. De bildar sig för j&auml...

19. Eva Lotta Damstedt
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer)
Jag arbetar med framför allt med svartvit-fotografi, ofta med större filmformat, 6x6 och 9x12 film.  Försöker skala av och förenkla så mycket som möjli

20. Charlotte Koopman
(Publikation(pages) Deltagare/Deltagande konstnärer)
... 10 drawings These are ten drawings made in 2004/2005. They are all quitesmall, not bigger than A3-format. Sökord: Charlotte Koopman, drawings, mortadella, luchtje, beans, visions, sandw...

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